7 months ago

Our policy_Environment 08 24

Our policy_Environment 08

Environment policy Burges Salmon is the independent UK law firm that provides the best proposition to our people and the best mix of service and value to our clients. We are an ambitious, sustainable and inclusive firm that ensures our clients, our people and our wider communities flourish. Our environmental management system is certified to ISO 14001:2015. As part of our ongoing commitment to tackling climate change and to support the UK’s transition to a net zero economy, we calculate and report on our carbon emissions every year. We have an approved Science Based Target to reduce total emissions by 50% by 2030 from a 2019 baseline. Our impacts We recognise that our impact on the environment results principally from the following activities: • Use of and waste from manufactured and natural resources (such as paper, gas, water and electricity) in providing our services. • Emissions created by those in our supply chain. • Energy use through travel. Our commitments We are committed to the principle of continual improvement in reducing the impact of our activities on the environment. In order to achieve this commitment, we will: • Comply with all applicable environment legislation and guidelines. Where such legislation and guidelines set standards, we will not only meet those standards but endeavour to exceed them where practicable. • Operate an Environmental Management System to measure, manage and reduce the impact of our operations. • Prevent pollution from our activities and locations • Integrate awareness of environmental impact across our business • Advise clients on the opportunities and obligations arising from the impact of climate change through our Net Zero legal services. • Work collaboratively to engage in the public debate on climate change and to develop, apply and promote best practice across the legal sector. • Report on our progress and be accountable. • Engage in partnerships to support climate action at the community level as a key pillar of our Responsible Business activities. We are committed to various initiatives and organisations across the legal sector. We are founding members of the Legal Sustainability Alliance and Net Zero Lawyers Alliance. We also support the Chancery Lane Project. Our actions We will take the following actions in order to minimise our environmental impact: • We are committed to Net Zero emissions by 2026 for Scope 1, 2 and Scope 3 (business travel). • We have a Science Based Target (SBT) which is in line with limiting global warming to 1.5ºC. It was approved by the SBT Institute in July 2022. • Operate a responsible procurement policy to engage with our key suppliers to reduce the carbon emissions related to our supply chain • Reduce volumes of waste generated and promote the recycling of unavoidable waste. • Optimise the level of energy efficiency at our main offices in Bristol, Edinburgh and London , all of which have a BREEAM “Excellent” rating. • Continue to use 100% renewable electricity at our main offices in Bristol, Edinburgh and London. • With increased remote and agile working, aim to sustain environmental benefits and increase the engagement of our people to monitor and minimise impacts of different working patterns and locations. Roger Bull Managing Partner Burges Salmon LLP Updated August 2024 Burges Salmon LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales (LLP number OC307212), and is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. It is also regulated by the Law Society of Scotland. Its registered office is at One Glass Wharf, Bristol BS2 OZX. A list of the members may be inspected at its registered office. Further information about Burges Salmon entities, including details of their regulators, is set out on the Burges Salmon website at © Burges Salmon LLP 2024. All rights reserved. Extracts may be reproduced with our prior consent, provided that the source is acknowledged.