BURGES SALMON LLP Business Law and Acquisition Our lawyers combine legal and transactional expertise with industry insight to give tailored solutions to our clients, whatever their sector. We have a proven track record acting for a wide range of clients, from multi-national corporates and financial institutions to early stage businesses, partnerships, co-operative societies, and high net worth individuals and investors. We have extensive experience of complex public and private mergers and acquisitions and private equity transactions, both in the UK and internationally, and equity capital markets. We also advise private businesses and listed companies on strategic matters as well as day-to-day company law and regulatory issues. Our expertise includes: • Company law • Public and private company transactions (including M&A and corporate finance) and share acquisition, disposals, capitalisations • Entity selection and formation of government companies and government joint ventures and venture capital advice • Directors’ duties and company secretarial services • Operating and partnership agreements • Securities and governance matters • Restructuring of ownership and complex / innovative legal structures.. BEIS CASE STUDIES Advising on transfer of assets (valued at £3.5bn) from the UK’s 7 Research Councils, Innovate UK and the research and knowledge exchange functions of HEFCE to UKRI, the UK’s new research and innovation body, achieved using a statutory transfer scheme under the Higher Education and Research Act 2017. University of Oxford and Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Advising on the joint venture with Mayo Clinic, a US based non-profit organisation committed to clinical practice, education, and research. This was structured using a LLP and drew on a wide range of specialised experience from across the firm, particularly regarding the bespoke and technical corporate aspects of the partnership arrangements. DEFRA Advising on the establishment of the independent Office for Environmental Protection, including transfer of assets by DEFRA to OEP as part of DEFRA’s obligation to provide grant-in-aid, achieved via an asset transfer process and an arrangement for DEFRA to provide interim services during the transition prior to the OEP achieving operational independencies. Back to contents 8
BURGES SALMON LLP Commercial Real Estate, Property and Land Law Our responsive and commercial real estate group provides a comprehensive, fully integrated service with real estate lawyers working alongside planning, construction, finance, environment and dispute resolution colleagues. Our work includes real estate development, regeneration, investment, portfolio management and strategic land promotion. We advise across the UK in all asset classes with notable expertise in the office, industrial, logistics, housing, leisure and rural land property markets and advising on real estate industry policy. Our expertise includes: Investment • Complex and high value real estate freehold and leasehold acquisitions and disposals • Fund structures and structured investment transactions • Sale & leaseback and income strip arrangements Asset Management • UK wide asset and portfolio management • Landlord and tenant occupational office transactional and advisory services • Occupational facilities management Development / regeneration • Housing and urban regeneration schemes including public/private JV partnering • Land promotion for residential development Real Estate Finance • Lending for acquisition, commercial and residential projects • Restructuring existing finance arrangements Real Estate Litigation • Mediations, arbitrations and contested litigation • Contested rent reviews, dilapidations and lease covenant enforcement Specialist areas • Real estate policy • Heritage and listed property • Rural land disposal, promotion and management • Telecoms including leasing land for telecoms apparatus. CASE STUDIES Greater London Authority Advising on the regeneration project at Beam Park, Dagenham. The 10- year £1bn scheme, providing 3,000 homes, new schools and leisure facilities and a new railway station, is supported by our expertise in planning (complex s106 obligations), transactional real estate joint ventures (a tri-partite development agreement), rail real estate and energy (two new energy centres). Competition and Markets Authority Advising CMA on its HQ move to a 113,000 sq ft site at The Cabot in Canary Wharf. We advised on a number of issues connected with the move and subsequent fitout, including on the vacant possession and lease termination strategy of the old HQ, negotiation of the new lease, DD of the Landlord’s refurbishment works, and procurement of CMA’s own Cat A and Cat B fit out. Historic England Advising on the renovation and regeneration of the Flaxmill Maltings site in Shrewsbury. Comprising eight listed buildings including the world’s first iron framed building, the completed scheme will comprise a visitor centre, commercial and office accommodation and new housing. This is a complex project involving compulsory purchase, grant funding, construction, infrastructure upgrades and real estate transactional services in a highly sensitive real estate environment. HMRC Providing real estate legal services in relation to HMRC’s 117-site property estate, comprising assets in England, Scotland, Wales & NI. Back to contents 9
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