̶̶̶Hot Topics in Employment Law 2025Collective redundanciesNext steps• ‘At one establishment’ removed from collective consultation test• Redundancies proposed anywhere within employing entityregardless of location will count towards collective consultationtrigger (20 or more proposed redundancies within a 90-day period)• HR1 trigger also changed• Related proposals:lift or increase the cap on protective awardsintroduce interim relief for claims for failure to collectively consultwhere 100 or more proposed dismissals, double the minimumconsultation period from 45 to 90 days• Consultation responseawaitedWhen?• Likely no earlier than 2026
̶̶̶̶Hot Topics in Employment Law 2025Changing terms and conditions /‘fire and rehire’• Dismissal automatically unfair if the reason isemployee did not agree to variation of their contract ofemploymentto enable the employer to re-engage the employee (‘fire andrehire’) or employ someone else (‘fire and replace’) under avaried contract of employment to carry out substantially thesame dutiesNext steps• Consultation responseawaitedWhen?• Likely no earlier than 2026• Tightly drawn exception where business’ viability is at stake• Related proposalsintroduce interim relief for these claimsstrengthen the Code of Practice?
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