Back to Lot 1 contents BURGES SALMON LLP Public Inquests and Inquiries We represent clients at inquests (including ‘super’ inquests with multiple Interested Persons) and inquiries, which are high-profile and require a sensitive approach. Our team work closely with clients to understand their business objectives as well as the unique challenges that arise from each matter. We feel passionately that inquiries and inquests, when conducted effectively, are a force for establishing facts and driving positive change. That belief motivates our approach and our results for our clients. We have worked with many of the specialist counsel and our team includes advocates with Higher Court Rights of Audience who are members of the Solicitors’ Association of Higher Court Advocates. Our expertise includes: • Acting as the Legal Team providing services and advice to a Statutory Public Inquiry • Advising on collation, review and preparation for disclosure in relation to high profile inquiries • Acting for Interested Persons in ‘super’ inquests including advising on disclosure and witness evidence • Taking witness statements, providing legal advice and support. Case studies Home Office and MHCLG Acting in relation to the Grenfell Tower Inquiry on collation, review, and analysis of evidence for submission to the inquiry. We mobilised a team of 60 reviewers swiftly to deliver a high quality output to the inquiry on behalf of our clients involving several hundred thousand documents extending back over several decades. Non-departmental government body Advising on the Redfern Inquiry to investigate and report on the use of human tissue by the UK nuclear industry. Provided detailed written submissions as well as acting as the advocate for our client at the hearings. Core Participants Acting for Core Participants in every major UK Rail Collision accident since 1995 including all public inquiries held and many Article 2 inquests. This includes acting for a tram operating company in relation to the 2016 multifatality incident at Sandilands, Croydon. Burges Salmon acted throughout on the incident response, regulatory investigations, data collection, engagement with stakeholders and participation in the highly detailed 10 week inquests in 2021. Back to Lot 1 contents Back to main contents Back to main contents 28
BURGES SALMON LLP BURGES SALMON Supplier Prospectus RM6240 Public Sector Legal Services Lot 2 – General Service Provision October 2023 Back to main contents Back to main contents 29
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