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CCS Prospectuses - RM6240 Supplier Prospectus - Public Sector Legal Services Lot 1,2,3

  • Text
  • Advising
  • Contents
  • Procurement
  • Expertise
  • Projects
  • Sector
  • Includes
  • Regulatory
  • Burges
  • Salmon
  • Supplier

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Back to Lot 1 contents BURGES SALMON LLP Infrastructure Intellectual Property Our infrastructure lawyers have a proven track record of successful project delivery in a range of key sectors including energy, transport, defence, rail and education. We advise bidders, developers, investors, regulators, finance parties and the private and public sector and regularly advise on the regulatory aspects of projects. The team is known for advising on procuring, developing and funding innovative, highprofile and politically sensitive projects, and using our experience to develop project structures and find solutions to new problems. This has included advising on many of the world’s highest-profile nuclear projects and renewables projects using new technologies including battery storage and expanding our transport projects offering to cover all aspects of transport and cross-modal schemes. Our expertise includes: • The structure and financing of infrastructure projects and deals including PFI, PPP and non-profit distributing models • Asset disposals, refinancing and reorganisation • Construction contracts and professional appointments – drafting, negotiating and advising on all standard and bespoke forms of contracts. Case studies Welsh Ministers, Transport for Wales and TfW Rail Advising on the £5bn procurement and mobilisation of an Operator and Development Partner to deliver rail services on the Wales and Borders network, carrying out transformation works on the Core Valley Lines and acting as the infrastructure manager. We customised DfT’s franchise terms to include construction works for the CVL, IM services on the CVL and Welsh Ministers’ bespoke requirements. We advised on the corporate governance and public sector constitutional structure of two wholly owned subsidiaries to act as an operator of last resort and IM of last resort and related corporate governance arrangements. We acted on the mobilisation of OLR in February 2021 and currently advise on operational matters including in relation to new rolling stock. Cardiff Parkway Advising on the option and acquisition of land and easements needed for the proposed new Cardiff Parkway (privately financed) railway station. ESB Advising on the roll out of Electric Vehicle infrastructure across Birmingham. Our IP lawyers have in-depth insight into a range of sectors and clients come to us for our expertise in complex issues. The team includes two trademark attorneys (in the UK and in Ireland) and two trademark paralegals allowing us to offer a distinct, but complementary, brand protection service. We provide specialist advice to the media industry, advising a range of high-profile clients working in advertising, television, music, publishing and social media and because of our Irish presence, we can service EU brand work. Our expertise includes: • Clearance, ownership and protection of IP rights including trademark and design rights, IP audits, registrations and management of national and international portfolios including supporting on EU brand work • Exploitation of intellectual property rights through collaboration agreements, joint ventures, licensing arrangements and assignments • IP disputes including litigation, trade mark oppositions and cancellations and Company Names Tribunal and domain name disputes • Regulatory and statutory developments and implications for the media industry • Sponsorship arrangements, broadcasting rights and exploitation agreements for TV/multimedia clients. Case studies Guy’s & St Thomas’s NHS Foundation Trust Advising on a collaborative joint venture with Kings College London for the development and exploitation of new Medical Technology. BEIS Advising on the establishment of UKRI, including the transfer of large quantities of registered IP from legacy bodies advising on interactions with the European Commission in respect of the 200+ EU funded research projects. UK Hydrographic Office Drafting and advising UKHO (an Executive Agency of the MOD) on its standard terms and IP licensing, for global distribution of its marine navigational products and services. John Lewis and Waitrose Preparing an IP strategy for use across the Partnership as well as advising on Waitrose & Partners’ product development, endorsement, and branding arrangements with high profile individuals. BBC and BBC Studios Sole counsel on all UK and EU trademark applications and registrations. Our role includes providing clearance advice on a range of new projects and brands and advice on other contentious and noncontentious brand protection and intellectual property issues. Back to Lot 1 contents Back to main contents Back to main contents 12

Back to Lot 1 contents BURGES SALMON LLP Litigation and Dispute Resolution Partnerships Our 100-strong team manages and resolves commercial and public law disputes from the largest complex international test cases to portfolios of lower value claims (such as books of negligence actions). We also have considerable experience in regulatory investigations, inquiries and prosecutions, including those in the criminal justice field. We help resolve disputes as quickly and cost efficiently as possible and, where appropriate, without recourse to the publicity of the courts. We are often able to resolve claims through the effective use of pre-action tools and have considerable experience in all forms of alternative dispute resolution procedure. Our expertise includes: • Senior team members with DV, SC or CTC security clearance • Structuring and project managing complex and mission critical disputes for government • Successful and high quality delivery in large and/or complex electronic disclosure exercises • Active use of alternative dispute resolution including mediation and adjudication • Familiarity with arbitration, specialist tribunals and the criminal justice system • Rapid response to urgent and emergency situations • Reputation critical investigations and inquiries. Back to Lot 1 contents Case studies Ministry of Justice Advising the Ministry of Justice alongside GLD on a major public procurement challenge for a HMCTS contract in the High Court. Non-departmental Public Body Successfully defending against compensation claims worth over £220m under Section 283 Proceeds of Crime Act. Our team was engaged to defend all aspects of the claims and managed the review of around 700,000 documents on behalf of government departments as part of their respective involvement with a high-profile public inquiry. Department of Health & Social Care Advising on contractual compliance by PPE suppliers and with procurement compliance in purchasing PPE including disputes issues and Judicial Review support. FirstGroup plc Advising in the Supreme Court and below, on the highly publicised test case for disability rights and equality law concerning access to wheelchair spaces on buses. Financial Services Compensation Scheme Assisting in recovery actions to recover compensation from FS industry participants or their insurers in accordance with its statutory objectives. We have acted on high value individual matters, from off-shore investments, through to large scale portfolio actions relating to thousands of individual claims, on issues such as PPI or personal pension (SIPP) miss-selling. Our partnership lawyers are skilled in all areas of partnership law and work across a range of specialisms. A significant volume of our work involves partnership disputes, which require the application of specialist knowledge of partnership disputes law and its impact on the rights and obligations of partners and members. We also advise on all aspects of partnership formation for professional firms, whether trading as conventional partnerships or as limited liability partnerships (LLPs). We provide strategic and tailored advice based on our work with existing clients in both the public and private sectors. Our expertise includes: • Partnership disputes • Limited partnerships • Partnership formation • Partnerships for tax planning • Mergers and Acquisitions • Family limited partnerships. Case studies University of Oxford Advising on the creation of a complex joint venture with Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust facilitating their joint participation in various healthcare opportunities, structured using a LLP. University of Oxford and Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Advising on the joint venture with Mayo Clinic, a US based non-profit organisation committed to clinical practice, education, and research. The joint venture was structured using a LLP and drew on specialised experience from across the firm, particularly regarding the bespoke and technical corporate aspects of the partnership arrangements. Albion Establishing Albion as the bid vehicle for the MBO of Close Ventures Limited and advice on internal constitution. Albion is a LLP whose members were senior management of Close Ventures, which is also a member of Albion. The transaction involved complex provisions reflecting classic private equity articles through a members’ agreement, while not losing the partnership ethos. John Lewis and Waitrose Advising on innovative business models and partnerships, such as those with BUPA and DNAnudge. Back to main contents Back to main contents 13