1 year ago

CCS Prospectus RM6179 - June 2023

  • Text
  • Advising
  • Procurement
  • Expertise
  • Sector
  • Projects
  • Burges
  • Salmon
  • Includes
  • Contents
  • Studies
  • Prospectus
  • September
  • Wwwburgessalmoncom


Mandatory specialisms

BURGES SALMON LLP Competition How we can help you Our competition lawyers provide expert competition law advice and representation before competition and regulatory authorities, as well as UK and EU courts. Many of the team have worked for competition or regulatory authorities, meaning that we can provide insight into how regulators work. We also advise on state aid law and funding arrangements, including complaints to, and proceedings by, the European Commission. Our expertise includes: • Defending clients subject to cartel, abuse of dominance and other competition investigations • Advising clients during dawn raids • Advising and defending clients operating in regulated sectors (including regulators themselves) • Assisting clients in obtaining clearance for mergers and joint ventures including complex “Phase II” reviews • Representing clients involved in competition litigation and disputes, including appeals against regulators’ decisions, judicial review proceedings, follow-on damages actions and commercial disputes • Assisting clients throughout market studies including the design and implementation of remedies • Advising clients on the application of competition law to commercial dealings • Devising compliance policies and programmes, audits and training Case studies Department for Transport Advising the Office of Zero Emissions Vehicles on the competition law and subsidy control aspects of its deployment of the Rapid Charging Fund, a £950m fund to future-proof electric capacity at motorway and major A road service areas to prepare the road network for 100% zero emissions vehicles uptake. This has involved advising in relation to a Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) market study into electric vehicle charging, and a subsequent CMA investigation into potentially anti-competitive exclusive agreements between motorway service operators and a particular charge point operator and advising in relation to other potential competition law based challenges to the powers sought by government in the Future Transport Bill to promote and protect competition in this market Welsh Ministers and Transport for Wales Advising on merger control, State aid and procurement issues associated with the letting of the Wales & Borders passenger rail franchise and innovative combination of infrastructure manager roles. Co-operative Group Representing the Co-operative Group in successfully appealing, at the Competition Appeal Tribunal, an OFT decision (imposing a fine of £14.2 million) that it had participated in alleged anti-competitive practices in the tobacco sector and subsequently for its subsidiary, Somerfield, in appeal and judicial review proceedings to recover the fine imposed on it for its separate participation in those alleged practices. Back to contents Back to contents 7