1 year ago

CCS Prospectus RM6179 - June 2023

  • Text
  • Advising
  • Procurement
  • Expertise
  • Sector
  • Projects
  • Burges
  • Salmon
  • Includes
  • Contents
  • Studies
  • Prospectus
  • September
  • Wwwburgessalmoncom


BURGES SALMON LLP Energy and Natural Resources (inc Mining and Nuclear) How we can help you We are immersed in the UK energy sector with a particular strength in renewables and nuclear and the associated regulatory issues. Our work has involved all new technologies and our expertise has developed as those technologies have emerged and become mainstream. We were the first firm working on tidal and marine technologies and now can say the same for nuclear fusion and SMRs. We work at the cutting edge of the sector, with a reputation built upon first-of-a-kind projects and deals and provide expert advice throughout the project/plant life cycle. Within our team of energy lawyers, we have developed expertise in all the key technologies and activities in the sector: nuclear, renewables, oil and gas, energy regulation, energy storage, waste and water. We are also heavily involved in the emerging low carbon transport sector on electric vehicles and connected autonomous vehicles. We work on on-site generation, heat networks and energy services (efficiency) contracting. Our expertise includes: • Consents and planning applications for energy projects • Build out • Power purchase and grid connection. • Project finance • Energy regulation • Operational advice • Mergers and acquisitions • Energy disputes • Community Energy. Case studies UK Atomic Energy Authority Advising on the development of Nuclear Fusion regulation in the UK and the establishment of the STEP programme and advice on the procurement of various associated contracts. Kent County Council Advised Kent County Council, via its wholly owned subsidiary Commercial Services Group (CSG), on the acquisition of the entire issued share capital of Bowerhouse II Solar Limited from Hive Ethical Solar Portfolio 1 Limited. Various local authorities Advising on power purchasing arrangements, solar and wind developments, EV infrastructure and district heat networks. Rugeley Coal Fired Power Station Advising on the closure and decommissioning of the site and all commercial contracts surrounding that, including contracts relating to the re-development of the site for use as an energy services industrial and residential facility. Bristol City Council Advising on the ‘City Leap’ plan to raise around £1bn of investment to transform Bristol into the UK’s first smart-energy, carbon neutral city by 2030. The procurement for energy companies, delivery partners, technology providers and others launched in 2019 is now underway. We have assisted with every aspect of this enormous project, including the extensive energy-related regulatory and commercial advice. Cayman Islands Government Advising on the delivery and procurement of a new waste-to- energy scheme and waste management system. The cutting-edge, 25 year waste-to-energy project is being procured and financed on a PPP basis. Nuclear Liabilities Fund Advising on restructuring of the fund and its arrangements with BEIS and EDF. Back to contents Back to contents 36

BURGES SALMON LLP Food, Rural and Environmental Affairs How we can help you Our food, rural and environmental affairs lawyers have provided sector insight and expertise on all aspects of food and agricultural law; from health and safety, dispute resolution, environmental issues and planning to renewables, commercial contracts, food regulation, employment and wealth and tax planning. We understand the commercial drivers and challenges facing the industry. We work with our clients, which include farmers, national institutions and rural businesses, to help them achieve their business objectives, protect existing interests and maximise opportunities. Our expertise includes: • Property – land sales/purchases and ownership, agricultural tenancies • Food and drink regulation – food safety, food labelling, product recall and regulatory enforcement issues • Dispute resolution – contractual disputes, land occupation and ownership, partnership and trust disputes and product liability • Corporate – governance, mergers/acquisitions, joint ventures and fundraising, finance and insolvency • Environmental and regulatory – compliance and regulatory issues, contaminated land and water • Health and safety – civil, criminal, regulatory and insurance issues • Planning and CPO – issues relating to properties for acquisition or development • Commercial – advice across the full spectrum of the food chain; including contractual arrangements and protection of rights • Renewable energy – investment development and financing. Case studies DEFRA Advising during the COVID-19 crisis on the contractual arrangements with caterers to provide for the delivery of food boxes to those individuals who are having to be shielded. Co-operative Group Acting for the on the sale of its farming operation known as Farmcare, together with over 17,000 acres of land in England and Scotland, for £247m. The sale included several wind farms, imposed overage provisions on parts of the property, and involved the transfer of employment contacts and pension rights as well as contractual rights to farm a further 21,000 acres. The Crown Estate Advising in relation to an action against a tenant, who had allowed waste (including asbestos) to be brought on to the holding without consent and in breach of environmental regulations. Groceries Code Adjudicator Appointed to advise on issues relating to the Groceries Code and as secretary to the GCA in related arbitrations. Agricultural and Horticultural Development Board Advising on regulations relating to the levy imposed on potato growers. Advising a client on submissions for the consultation on milk supply contracts launched by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs, including liaising with our Scottish colleagues on issues specific to Scottish law. Acting Director of the Sustainable Soils Alliance and actively involved in the Agriculture and Environment Bills, including assisting clients with responses to consultations. We are also working with Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and the Environment Agency in relation to soil issues arising from Back to contents ELM Scheme. Back to contents 37