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CCS Prospectus RM6179 - June 2023

  • Text
  • Advising
  • Procurement
  • Expertise
  • Sector
  • Projects
  • Burges
  • Salmon
  • Includes
  • Contents
  • Studies
  • Prospectus
  • September
  • Wwwburgessalmoncom


BURGES SALMON LLP Aviation and Airports How we can help you We advise on a wide range of transactions and regulatory matters in the airports and aviation sector. Our clients include airlines, airports, aircraft and component manufacturers, debt and equity funders, service providers, governments and regulators. We understand the key issues facing our clients – regulation, safety, security, competition – and are able to apply our legal expertise in a commercial and pragmatic manner, focusing on the client’s key drivers. Much of our experience has had a public sector angle, whether through regulation, advising government clients on PPP projects or commercial procurements or planning. As such, we have experience of supporting public sector clients on aviation related matters where the aviation angles are novel to them. Our expertise includes: Advising regulatory authorities on issues affecting businesses operating in the aviation sector including: • Mergers and acquisitions • Pensions issues • Restructuring and insolvency Advising airports, airport stakeholders (including shareholders, subcontractors and funders) surrounding landowners, local authorities and other interested parties on matters affecting the operation of an airport including: • Planning • Regulation • Infrastructure works including green energy projects • Alternative fuel sources • Aircraft acquisition • Aircraft financing • Disputes • Commercial agreements in relation to airport operations, manufacturing supply chains and maintenance Advising on large scale government space and aviation projects including: • Simulator and training projects • Satellite projects such as the MoD’s Skynet procurements. Case studies Civil Aviation Authority Advising the regulator on a large number of matters involving reporting on proposed changes to the debt and equity structures of distressed ATOL licence holders and ensuring that the CAA’s objectives, including the protection of customers, are appropriately addressed. Advent Advising on the aviation regulatory aspects of the acquisition of Cobham PLC Bristol City Council Advising in relation to the planning aspects of the expansion of Bristol Airport. Competition & Markets Authority Advising on the £1.5bn sale of Stansted Airport, the £807.2m sale of Edinburgh Airport and the £1.5bn sale of Gatwick Airport. UK Research and Innovation Advising on the acquisition of an aircraft (and associated maintenance support) to provide the airbridge between South America, the Falkland Islands and Antarctica for research ventures. Edinburgh Airport Advising on the insolvency of an airline, the potential exercise of their statutory right of lien, possession of aircraft and section 88 notices. Ministry of Defence We have advised on numerous large complex MoD procurements on both the public and private sector sides including the Skynet satellite programme and the Search and Rescue Helicopters PFI project. Back to contents Back to contents 32

BURGES SALMON LLP Charities How we can help you Our specialised charity lawyers advise charities on all aspects of their governance, structure and operations. We are experienced in dealing with a variety of different charitable entities, including trusts, CIOs, charitable companies and unincorporated associations. We regularly advise non-departmental public bodies incorporated under Royal Charter. We collaborate with overseas lawyers where required, either with preferred firms that we already know and work with, or firms that you would prefer to use. We are committed to providing clients with the best mix of advice, service and value by offering a combination of legal and commercial expertise with a deep understanding of the charity sector to deliver strategic and pragmatic advice. Our expertise includes: • Advising on the appropriate choice of charitable entity and group structure • The creation of new charitable vehicles and registration with the Charity Commission and HMRC • Restructuring and mergers • Drafting or reviewing governing documentation including trust deeds and articles of association • Managing conflicts of interest • Advising on the establishment of and advice in relation to trading subsidiaries • Advising on exempt charity status and the role of a principal regulator • Advising complex organisations that work internationally and coordinating local tax advice in overseas jurisdictions • Advising on fundraising and commercial participator requirements • Advising on the charity law implications of disposing of land. Case studies Large international charity Advising on the tax implications of conducting primary purpose trade in six jurisdictions. The first phase of work involved advising on the charity and tax implications of becoming an exempt charity. The second phase involved coordinating local tax advice in each jurisdiction and preparing a consolidated report with our conclusions. Following the report, our charity team provided follow up advice on the process for becoming an exempt charity, the role of a principal regulator and cross-border considerations. Charity Advising an exempt charity and non-departmental public body on the tax treatment of intra group loans with its trading subsidiary, and providing practical guidance to the charity trustees regarding their powers and duties under charity law when making loans. Educational charity Providing guidance regarding the allocation of permanent and expendable endowments and whether to adopt a total return approach to investment. Various universities Advising on proposals including the construction of a new research facility and a green energy project with a local authority. This involved providing advice in relation to tax, procurement and charity law. Various museums Advising on the transfer of collections to other institutions, including tax, charity and trust and contract law considerations. Large retailer Advising on its relationship with its charitable foundation, including charity trading regulations and its commercial participator requirements. Back to contents Back to contents 33