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CCS Prospectus RM6179 - June 2023

  • Text
  • Advising
  • Procurement
  • Expertise
  • Sector
  • Projects
  • Burges
  • Salmon
  • Includes
  • Contents
  • Studies
  • Prospectus
  • September
  • Wwwburgessalmoncom


BURGES SALMON LLP Projects/PFI/PPP (continued) Case studies GLD Commercial Legal Group Providing a seconded lawyer to the COVID Cell to head up and advise the legal team working with Cabinet Office and Department for Health and Social Care on the COVID testing workstream. UK Atomic Energy Authority Advising on the assessment of structuring options for the PPP development of a nuclear fusion project in the UK. Welsh Government and Transport for Wales Advising on the procurement of Wales and Cross-border Rail Service and Metro and advice during re-letting of the Wales and Border franchise, a novel first of a kind PPP procurement for Wales. Greater London Authority and Transport for London Advising on major regeneration projects in London including the c. £2bn Royal Albert Dock project, the c£1bn Albert Island industrial regeneration project, then of a new commercial boatyard for Thames river traffic, the Limmo Development (which will provide 1200+ homes on a Crossrail construction site), Beam Park in Barking (one of the largest housing projects in London) and the Gallions 3B project (which forms part of the 800-unit Gallions Quarter housing development scheme). National Highways (previously Highways England) Advising on the negotiation of the arrangements relating to the expiry of the PPP concession agreement for the Severn River Crossings and subsequent insourcing. Also advising on negotiations with Heathrow Airport Limited in relation to the impact of the Heathrow Expansion project on the strategic road network and the M25 PFI project. Ascent Advising Ascent (a Babcock/Lockheed Martin joint venture) as MOD’s training service partner on the UK Military Flying Training System PFI project, including the procurement of multiple fleets of aircraft, infrastructure and simulators and ongoing service delivery advice. Case studies KfW IPEX Bank Advising on funder due diligence in respect of the Birmingham Highways Maintenance PFI and Sheffield Highways Maintenance PFI projects as well as projects in the hospitals, street-lighting, prisons and schools sectors, giving us an understanding of funder concerns in relation to PFI Project Agreement and flowdown issues. Isle of Wight Council Advising on the £1bn Highways Maintenance PFI project, including drafting the Project Agreement; managing stakeholder issues, including HM Treasury and IPA (predecessor) comments and subsequent advice on variations and a contractual dispute. ENGIE Advising on major change to Worcester Hospital PFI project to provide for a combined heat and power plant and associated renegotiation of a complex payment and performance mechanism. ENGIE Advising on the renegotiation of a services contract in relation to the Portsmouth Hospital PFI project as a result of the Carillion insolvency. London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority (LFEPA) Advising on the time critical termination of its PFI contract for the management and maintenance of critical assets and the implementation of an interim solution ahead of its planned re-procurement of the service. Reliance Security Group (now part of Capita plc) Advising in relation to its role as sponsor and subcontractor in a number of PFI projects for the design, build, operation and maintenance of emergency services assets over 25-30 year concessions (combined project value in excess of £100m). Back to contents Back to contents 24

BURGES SALMON LLP Public Law How we can help you Our public law team is recognised for advising on complex, innovative and highprofile projects and challenges, including those with political, newsworthy or public interest dimensions. Our significant public sector client base means that we routinely deal with administrative and public law issues, including advice on subsidy control, equalities law and devolution. Comprising former senior civil service lawyers, local government lawyers and secondees, the team offers significant first-hand experience of the public sector and the associated public law issues. Our public law expertise includes: • The status, powers and functions of Departments and other Central Government bodies (including NDPBs, executive agencies and trading funds) • Subsidy control • Judicial reviews, inquiries and other associated dispute resolution • Devolved powers of the Welsh Assembly, Scottish Parliament and Northern Ireland Assembly and sub-national devolution. Case studies Department for Education Advising DfE and the new Children’s Services Company for Northamptonshire on the statutory direction to Northamptonshire County Council in relation to the provision of children’s social care services. We advised on all legal and commercial aspects, including the corporate governance arrangements; outsourcing agreement; employment/TUPE; pensions; third party contracts; property arrangements and all other contractual arrangements. We are also supporting with the transition of these arrangements to two new unitary authorities resulting from local government restructuring. Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office Advising on a number of projects related to the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including advising on the Secretary of State’s powers in respect of the provision for and organisation of repatriation flights for UK citizens. Acting and provided solicitor advocate representation for interested parties providing evidence in support of Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy in a Judicial Review brought against an energy subsidy scheme by Tempus following a European Court decision on state aid clearance. OFGEM Advising on complex administrative law issues raised in the context of its defence of an Employment Tribunal claim appealed to the Court of Appeal. Welsh Government and Transport for Wales Advising on the transfer of the CVL Network from Network Rail to TfW as part of the wider Wales and Cross-Border Rail Service and Metro and on negotiations with the Department for Transport as to the exercise of powers in Wales. Back to contents Back to contents 25