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CCS Prospectus RM6179 - June 2023

  • Text
  • Advising
  • Procurement
  • Expertise
  • Sector
  • Projects
  • Burges
  • Salmon
  • Includes
  • Contents
  • Studies
  • Prospectus
  • September
  • Wwwburgessalmoncom


BURGES SALMON LLP Partnership Law How we can help you Our partnership lawyers are skilled in all areas of partnership law and work across a range of specialisms. A significant volume of our work involves partnership disputes, which require the application of specialist knowledge of partnership disputes law and its impact on the rights and obligations of partners and members. We also advise on all aspects of partnership formation for professional firms, whether trading as conventional partnerships or as limited liability partnerships (LLPs). We provide strategic and tailored advice based on our work with existing clients in both the public and private sectors. Our expertise includes: • Partnership disputes • Limited partnerships • Partnership formation • Partnerships for tax planning • Mergers and Acquisitions • Family limited partnerships. Case studies University of Oxford Advising on the creation of a complex joint venture with Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust to facilitate their joint participation in various healthcare opportunities. The joint venture was structured using a limited liability partnership. University of Oxford and Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust The firm also advised on the joint venture with Mayo Clinic, a US based non-profit organisation committed to clinical practice, education, and research. The joint venture was structured using a limited liability partnership and drew on a wide range of specialised experience from across the firm, particularly regarding the bespoke and technical corporate aspects of the partnership arrangements. Albion Establishing Albion as the bid vehicle for the MBO of Close Ventures Limited and advice on internal constitution. Albion is a LLP, the members of which were the senior management of Close Ventures; Close Ventures is also a member of Albion. The transaction involved complex provisions reflecting classic private equity articles through a members’ agreement, while not losing the partnership ethos. John Lewis and Waitrose Advising on innovative business models and partnerships, such as those with BUPA and DNAnudge. Advising a public benefit investment company on the formation of a new social investment fund. Back to contents Back to contents 20

BURGES SALMON LLP Pensions Law How we can help you Our pensions law team is widely respected across the UK. Our national client base comprises trustee, administering authorities of public sector schemes and employer clients across the private and public sectors. Our specialist pension lawyers advise on defined benefit, defined contribution and hybrid schemes. Our pension lawyers regularly provide tailored training for clients, and pensions seminars are run in Bristol, London and Edinburgh. Our team is one of the largest pensions teams in the UK – with eight pensions partners and 40 pensions lawyers overall. Our expertise includes: • Automatic enrolment • Northern Irish pensions • Pensions disputes and litigation • Pensions legal advice • Pensions regulatory • Pensions tax • ESG legal requirements • Public sector pensions. Case studies Department for Transport Advising on the pension aspects of the incorporation of Highways England and the TUPE transfer of around 3,000 civil servants, including negotiating the admission agreement which allowed Highways England to participate in the Principal Civil Service Pension Scheme. Subsequently advising Highways England on pensions matters relating to the end of concession of the Severn River Crossings and the transfer back to public ownership. Northern Ireland Local Government Officers’ Superannuation Committee Advising on the restructuring of pension liabilities within the c£6 billion pension fund as part of reorganisation of the local council and education structures across NI. Transport for Wales Advising on pension matters relating to the new Wales and Borders Rail Service. We advised on the arrangements for a section within the Railways Pension Scheme to accommodate the employees operating on the new franchise and on contracts to meet the cost of pension provision in the franchise in the context of a review by the Pensions Regulator of the actuarial assumptions used by the Scheme. Department for Education Advising on pension matters relating to children services interventions, including on service provider participation to the LGPS and the Teachers’ Pension Scheme, and negotiations and documenting pension risk sharing arrangements and guarantee provisions. Local Government Pension Scheme Advising the Scheme during the COVID-19 crisis on the deferral of payments to that scheme and considering how LGPS funds can mitigate the impact of employers suffering from financial duress. Advising on the establishment and operation of a number of Local Government Pension Scheme pools (with assets in excess of £60bn) including advising in the context of ESG and challenges to investment strategy. Back to contents Back to contents 21