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CCS Prospectus RM6179 - June 2023

  • Text
  • Advising
  • Procurement
  • Expertise
  • Sector
  • Projects
  • Burges
  • Salmon
  • Includes
  • Contents
  • Studies
  • Prospectus
  • September
  • Wwwburgessalmoncom


BURGES SALMON LLP Information Technology Law How we can help you Our technology lawyers offer expertise on all aspects of technology law. We have over 20 years’ experience working at the forefront of the technology sector, acting for a wide range of clients – from start-ups, dotcoms and corporates to financial institutions, governmental bodies and private equity groups. We deliver innovative solutions to complex technology law matters, including technology litigation. Drawing on expertise from across the firm, our technology lawyers are able to deliver a full range of legal services to supplier businesses and their customers. We work closely with our clients to assemble the right mix of people and skills to meet their needs. Our expertise includes: • Cloud hosting • Big data (including data storage and security) • Content provision • Convergence and digitisation projects • Open source content management systems • e-Commerce regulation • The provision of internet services including ‘the internet of things’, strategies and website terms and contracts • Social media platforms • Cyber and IT security arrangements. Case studies Welsh Water / Dwr Cymru Advising on the second generation outsourcing of IT infrastructure services operating 81 reservoirs, 105 treatment works, 532 pumping stations and a network of 27km of water mains in Wales. The outsourcing includes the provision of IT services and support at its various offices and the operation of two data centres. Bank of England Advising on the renegotiation and consolidation of the arrangement with QinetiQ for the provision of web hosting and related services. Renegotiation of the agreement included significant work to update performance mechanisms to enable the Bank of England, as customer, to exercise a greater degree of performance management. Ofcom Advising on the regulated procurement of new technology services to replace a significant portion of its existing technology systems. Starbucks EMEA and Starbucks UK Advising on the development and negotiation of a master services agreement for the provision of cloud-based services and on the hosting and management of its data platform. First Rail Holdings Limited Advising on the framework agreement with IBM for the provision of services including the configuration of FRH’s Salesforce Solution to enable the implementation of case and compensation management solutions. Advising a confidential client in the nuclear sector on its multi-million pound Project Lifecycle Management Solution and related consultancy services from a market-leading French software and professional services vendor. Back to contents Back to contents 16

BURGES SALMON LLP Intellectual Property Law How we can help you Our Intellectual Property lawyers have in-depth insight into a range of sectors and clients come to us for our expertise in complex issues (we are often asked to provide second opinions). We are regularly praised for our problem-solving and pragmatic solutions. The team includes two trade mark attorneys (in the UK and in Ireland) and two trade mark paralegals which allows us to offer a distinct, but complementary, brand protection service. We also offer specialist advice to the media industry, advising a range of high-profile clients working in advertising, television, music, publishing and social media and because of our Irish presence, we can service EU brand work. Our expertise includes: • Clearance, ownership and protection of intellectual property rights – including trade mark and design rights, intellectual property audits, registrations and management of national and international portfolios. We have an Irish office, and can support on EU brand work • Development and exploitation of intellectual property rights - through collaboration agreements, joint ventures, licensing arrangements and assignments • Transactional IP - including IP in commercial contracts, through the supply chain • Intellectual property disputes – including litigation, trade mark oppositions and cancellations and Company Names Tribunal and domain name disputes • Regulatory and statutory developments and implications for the media industry • Sponsorship arrangements, broadcasting rights and exploitation agreements for TV/multimedia clients Case studies Guy’s & St Thomas’s NHS Foundation Trust Advising on a collaborative joint venture with Kings College London for the development and exploitation of new Medical Technology. Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Advising on the establishment of UK Research & Innovation, including the transfer of large quantities of registered IP from legacy bodies (such as the Medical Research Council and British Antarctic Survey), including developing the innovative and pragmatic “Risk-Based Approach” to contracts, working closely with stakeholders to support them through the process of establishment, and advising on interactions with the European Commission in respect of the 200+ EU funded research projects. UK Hydrographic Office Drafting and advising UKHO (an Executive Agency of the MOD) on its standard terms and conditions, and IP licensing, for global distribution of its marine navigational paper and digital products and services. Vaccine Manufacturing and Innovation Centre (VMIC) Advising and supporting on various licence agreements with VMIC’s Industry Partners, GE, Janssen (part of Johnson & Johnson), and Merck, Sharpe & Dohme. John Lewis and Waitrose Advising on and preparing an IP strategy for use across the Partnership. Recent work involved advice on Waitrose & Partners’ product development, endorsement, and branding arrangements with high profile individuals. BBC and BBC Studios Appointed as sole counsel in 2017 to the on all UK and EU trade mark applications and registrations. Our role includes providing clearance advice in relation to a wide range of new projects and core brands as well as advice on a range of other contentious and non-contentious brand protection and intellectual property issues. Back to contents Back to contents 17